SYMBIOSIS @ Galeri Prima

Both established artists are well known for their large-format, heavily textured surfaces featuring gestural application and strong palettes, prime examples of passionate power over delicate finesse from opposites sides of the globe.

Awang Damit Ahmad is widely considered to be one of Malaysia’s most successful and prolific visual artists of the 21st century after a humble beginning in Sabah as the son of a fisherman and home keeper. Argentinian Eduardo Hoffmann studied under masters including Zravko Ducmetic in Argentina and Julio le Parc in France. He is one of the Southern Cone painters who is equally renowned outside of his homeland with an extensive biography of important exhibitions and projects that span the globe.

This impeccably curated show demonstrates how the visual arts worldwide are more similar than they are different, with many international movements centered upon a truly global language. Here’s to hoping that more visual art venues take up the challenge of creating dialogue between local, regional and international art movements through open conversation and bilateral collaborations that benefit everyone.
For additional information regarding the artist or the exhibition, please contact the gallery through their social media at Galeri Prima.