ECLECTIC Collective @ Segaris
It’s not difficult to accurately assume the types of artworks you will encounter in a 21-artist collective exhibition titled “Eclectic,” and Segaris Art Center @ Publika definitely delivers in its current show that runs until the 8th of October.
Selected to participatw were the following artists: Ain Rahman, Akif Azmi, Amiral Lazio, Anisa Abdullah, Daniel Alizatt, Fawwaz Sukri, Fazrin Abdul Rahman, Fuad Arif, Khabir Roslan, Khairi Shamsudin, Mohd Fairuz Paisan @ Po’oi, Najib Bamadhaj, Nazhan Fikri, Nor Tijan Firdaus, Muthalib Musa, Red Hing Yi, Syed Zamzur Akasah, Mohd Shahrudin Sabu, Suhaimi Fadzir, Tajuddin Ismail (Dato’), and Wan Rajaie.

Tajuddin Ismail (Dato')

Also on view were examples of Fazrin Abd-Rahman’s works with aluminum strips, Fawwaz Shukri’s small sculptures in brick and concrete, Khabir Roslan’s intriguing wall hangings featuring strips of medical gauze wrap covered with compost, Paisan @ Po’oi’s fibreglass and wood assemblages, Akif Azmi’s painted fabrics and threads, Majib Ahmad Bamadhaj’s glass-framed works featuring cowhide butterfly motifs and fabric wall paper backgrounds, Daniel Aizatt’s table-top constructions of toys, wood and other materials, Fuad Arif’s graphic mixed media works of markings, symbols, and letters, including two tributes to musician Sinead O’Connor, Muthalib Musa’s sandblasts, Red Hong Yi’s large military-themed works developed in resin and soil overlaid with rocks, leaves, wood chips, twigs, and charcoal, and Mohd Shaharudin Sabu’s small sculptures in Aluminum and steel.
Khabir Roslan
Suhaimi Fanzir
Majib Ahmad Bamadhaj
Muthalib Musa